14 March 2006

Statement as of 4:55 PM MST on March 14, 2006

For Phoenix, AZ:

Statement as of 4:55 PM MST on March 14, 2006

... Spring or Vernal equinox is Monday March 20th at 1126 am MST...

The sun will be directly over the Equator at 1126 am MST Monday
March 20th... as it Marks the Halfway Point of its six-month journey
northward. This Crossing of the sun directly over the Equator is
known as the Vernal equinox. The sun will continue its northward
journey until the Summer solstice on June 21st.

This is the time of year when days and nights are near equal length.
This is also the time of year when the sun rises directly in the east
and sets directly in the west. Thus... you may find yourself looking
directly into the sun while driving east just after sunrise (around
637 am MST in phoenix) or driving west just before sunset (around
637 PM MST in phoenix). So... please be extra cautious while driving.


Hee, I love everyday astronomy. :)

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