03 September 2006

Hot Library Smut

By “library smut” I am in no way referring to the photo books on native peoples, or the illustrated health manuals, or any of the other volumes which, in your childhood, you lurked about the library aisle to find with the sole purpose of sneaking guilty glances at naked bodies. Nor am I referring to the “risqué” novels by Miller, Cleland, Réage, or Lawrence you leafed impatiently through as a teenager. No. What I’m talking about here is the full-frontal objectification of the library itself. Oh yeah.

Go see it for yourself. It's HOT.

1 comment:

  1. Swoon! I'm just ... gobsmacked. The pictures are wonderful. I've only been to the one in London. It's called "The Reading Room." Gorgeous - the picture does NOT do it justice at all.

    Now that we've moved to a larger house, we have a library, which is very thrilling for us bibliophiles.

    Oops, I just realized I'm posting under Scruffybutt's name (she's my terrier) - if I change to "Candace" now, I'll have to type this all over again. Since I'm lazy, I'm just gonna hit "submit comment." :)
