11 March 2007

New Mexico lawmakers declare Pluto a planet

I don't care how many resolutions they pass, saying it doesn't make it true. As a resolution, it doesn't even carry any weight - they're not outlawing textbooks that call Pluto a dwarf planet, they're not changing the state K-12 science standards. Besides, laws don't change basic science. Might as well pass a law that π=3 while they're at it.

Your Opinion: Do you think it is futile, dangerous, exciting, or something else (non-exclusie OR) for lawmakers to be making laws about science?


anonymous said...

I think they have much more pressing issues..i commented about the same on my blog...check it out

Doug The Una said...

That is funny, though. Will Kansas be next?

zandperl said...

ChilledBeer - Yeah, it is kinda silly that they're wasting their time on this rather than things that'll really make a difference in the state. As a science educator, I'm glad they're bringing science to the forefront of people's minds, but this's the wrong way to do it.

Doug - They've already got so many other problems in Kansas, this would be the least of them.

Anonymous said...

See "University of Toronto Fraud"